Hey evereyone, my name is José Domingo Artal, yes is not only José, is a compound name😁 Well so im born on 2003 in Santiago and i have always lived here. My parents are from Stgo. too and i´ve lived with them all these years with mi siblings too, they are 18 years old and we have a very good relationship. Ass well, i have a dog, her name is Mora and i love her so much💓, she is so beautiful and cheerful, i really like animals a lot.

In the past, i was on the same school for 14 years, since i was 5, but i met a lot of people, friends, classmate and teachers, it was a good experience inside everything haha. Well and now im studying arquitecture and i love the career, im so happy being here! but im on my second year, i still have a lot of years left haha  

On my personal life i have done many things, i have a lot of hobbies! First i go to the gym, A LOT, i started going a year ago and i love it, it helps me so much for my mental health. Also im a sport climber sine i was 9!! i like to climb walls and rocks haha is very asuming. 

Some very important in my life is im a scout (sound strange but its true haha), i have been since 2011! and now im the leader of 50 girls that i love very much<3

I like travel and know new places, i hope in my life can i do that! and my ral dream is live in another country!!




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