So this is my last blog of the semester:( It was a really good semester for me (compare with the other ones), i think was my favorite...

To start, this semester i like it a lot of the subjects, like urban sustaiinability (sostenibilidad urbana) or workshop 3 (taller). I think this semester the subjects i haved was so entertainig and i learns a lot about them. About my favorite subject  i thinks it was worshop because we do a lot of things (sometimes more that we should), and i really learn a lot (especially how to use the programs on the computer). At the end of the blogi leave some photos of my work!

About a subject i don't like is so much, at the beginning of the semester it was physics because it didn't go very well but at the end started go better! Talking about marks, this semester i haved a very goods marks compares with the other semesters; my worst mark it was in classical arquitecture culture (cultura de la arquitectura clásica), i had a 1,0... ups it was because i don't submit the work, but its wasn't terrible, the mark wasn't worth much. And the best mark it was a 7,0! in physics (the biggest plot twist of the semester) and it was on the last exam!

I thinks this semester was incredible because i took the time to get to know my riends better and also i made a very good group of friends! where i really feel that they are going to accompany me for years!

For next year (or semester) i want to focus even more on my studies, well this semester i started doing it and managed to learn even more, also i want to have more time with my ftiends of the college, do more things that have nothing to do with the college. I hope next semester be better!

Thanks for reading my bloogs<3


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