Hey everyone! So in my short life haha i visited a lot of places in Chile, i really love travel inside Chile because i think its a countrie that has many beautiful and entertaining places to visit, like Valparaiso, Puerto Varas, Punta Arenas, ect. I travelled Chile from Iquique to Punta Arenas, so im missing a few places to visited. In the future i would like to visit Chiloe, i think is a very amazing place and i need to get to know it!

Today im going to talk about two places in Chile that i enjoyed visiting and i would like to visit again . 

The first one, is National park Conguillío, this park its in the La Araucanía region. I visited this place a lot of years ago, when i was a little kid haha with my family. We went because years ago we wanted to go, well we went every year to Cunco (a town, near from the park) in winter vacation. So that year, we decided to go to Conguillío for the day. 

It was an amaizing day, as we went in winter, it was all snowy, it was very entertaining! it was a very amazing day, we have lunch beside the lake and was a good experience. 

The second place i would like to talk its the biological reserve of huilo huilo, i traveled to this amazing place in 2019, in my study tour (gira de estudios) with my classmates. It was a very good experience because we went to this place at the end of the study tour (it was the perfet place to end). 

Its a really beatiful place, with a lot of vegetation and animals (like ranita de darwin and the pudú), is a very calm place but you can do a lot of thing like excursions, ride a bike, kayak, horses, etc. I would like to visit with my family at some point in the future.


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