
Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2023


Today im going to write about my travel to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I went in 2018 with my family for 2 weeks, the first one we were in Rio de Janeiro city and the second week in Ilha Grande, an huge island a few hours from Rio. The time we went in Rio was all of adventure because we were in the carnaval week, it was impressive see how the city change for this moment of the year, everyone was so happy and all the people celebrated in any part of the city! We met a lot of places (the cristo redentor and pan d e azucar), we went to so many beaches (very much haha) and ate brazilian typical food haha also we went to the carnaval in the sambodromo, it was a party all of the night, we back to our hotel at 5am...  The second week was calmer and more relaxing because in the island  we werent with many people compared to Rio city. To get to this place we take a van from Rio, we traveled 2 hours and then we take a boat 1 hora to the island.  This was very new for me because before this travel i


Hey evereyone, my name is José Domingo Artal, yes is not only José, is a compound name😁 Well so im born on 2003 in Santiago and i have always lived here. My parents are from Stgo. too and i´ve lived with them all these years with mi siblings too, they are 18 years old and we have a very good relationship. Ass well, i have a dog, her name is Mora and i love her so much💓, she is so beautiful and cheerful, i really like animals a lot. In the past, i was on the same school for 14 years, since i was 5, but i met a lot of people, friends, classmate and teachers, it was a good experience inside everything haha. Well and now im studying arquitecture and i love the career, im so happy being here! but im on my second year, i still have a lot of years left haha   On my personal life i have done many things, i have a lot of hobbies! First i go to the gym, A LOT, i started going a year ago and i love it, it helps me so much for my mental health. Also im a sport climber sine i was 9!! i like to cl